catalytic converters

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Life with Purpose
A Teenager’s Search for Reason of Existence

Life is a fairy tale written by God’s fingers. Whenever I reminisce this quotation of Andersen’s, I am reminded to cherish this awesome life - my most precious gift from the Lord above. My sixteen years of existence is a fairy tale indeed; however, it is neither a myth of fairies and elves, nor a legend of dragons and demons; it is a novel of astonishing chapters, characterized by twists and turns, enormous conflicts and unpredictable characters, lovely expositions and fruitful dénouements, and chiseled with a fully dynamic plot.

Like the most complex novel, my life is a multi-faceted one; each facet with a different milieu, theme, and tone. In school, I am a scholar with utter zeal for knowledge, learning, and truth. I am enthusiastic of the social sciences, fanatic of literature and other humanities, expert of science, and interested with math. In the community, I am a dynamic youth servant-leader. As a son of a former Rotary club president, I use to participate in my dad’s many club endeavors – attending meetings, helping finish the club publication, joining outreach activities, and even preparing song-and-dance numbers with my younger sister and brother. I also energetically partake in church activities. As a well-rounded teenager, I write literary pieces, compose songs and melodies, direct and act in school plays, host in programs, dance on stage, sing individually or with the school choir, attend various seminars on different fields, and win in quiz bees and research fairs. I am editor-in-chief of our school paper, the Ruralite, president of the Samahang Diwa at Panitik, treasurer of the Student Government, and member of the Glee Club. On top of all of these is my being on top for ten years.

Truly, I am a young man of fruitful experiences and numerous achievements. My life is outpouring with drama, with tragedy and comedy, with adventure and romance, with struggles and victories. It is an epic of an amazing young man who has performed feats and achieved accomplishments in a juvenile age. Still, above all these things added upon me, it seems that there is something lacking in my heart – complete peace, endless revelry, and a sense of utmost fulfillment. Heaps of medallions, scrolls of accolades, and volumes of anecdotes are not sufficient to make one’s life’s novel the world’s, and even God’s, bestseller.

For years I have searched for that missing ingredient. Libraries I roamed, bookstores I entered, but all I deduced from this trek is that genes dictate our physical infrastructure, humanities engrave skills and ideas in our tabula rasa, and love conquers everything in this world – the biotic and the breathless alike. I possess the genes in my body, the humanities in my mind, and even love in my heart and home, but still I am not able to smoothen my jagged tale.

And so I continued this quest for truth, crossing vast oceans of knowledge and leaving no stones of wisdom unturned. There came a point when no books can explain my questions, no experience can interpret life’s invaluable lessons. I had to end this voyage. I had to be satisfied with what I know about living.

But God truly answers us with more than one solution. He blessed me with friends in the church who are seraphims to my unworthy soul, who encourage me to pursue my goals, arm me with fortitude, and advise me with useful principles whenever I face challenging circumstances. They reminded me of the Bible – a very special book which I have not touched for a while. This book opened numerous windows and wide doors that helped me find an essential truth - that life has a purpose. This made me realized that God molded me out of clay for a particular mission on Earth. This I still have to know. This I still have to discover.

From then on, I keep increasing in wisdom and stature, and with favor in God and all people – at home, in school and in the community, just like the way Jesus grew up during his adolescence. His Word became my daily bread, prayer my nightly drink. A renewed connection, conversation, communion with God has never been so revitalizing. He edifies my character, enhances my plot, and relieves all conflicts, woes, and dissensions. I know that everyday He is with me. I believe that He is in everything that I think, say, or do. The genes, humanities, and love – all these things came from Him, for He is the Great Provider. Now I thank Him for making me grow in His love through His blessings. He fills the gaps and heals the punctures in every chapter of our lives. This realization is a momentous portion of my life’s novel.

Today, I am fully enlightened with faith that my life’s novel has a reason for being – a purpose that He has commissioned to me. Although this discovery imposes me to search more frontiers and solve added mysteries, there is a profusion of joy, fulfillment, and hope in my soul. What is my purpose? This question requires more, not only of my time and effort, but of my passion to comprehend His secrets and my faith in His omnipotence. At least now, I know that I have a purpose, not learning genes, memorizing the humanities, or experiencing a totally romantic life. I can continue smoothly with my novel. It is time to end the dark chapters and write on tales in my day-by-day experience with God and man. The plot has to go on. The character has to be developed even more. A vital question has been answered. As I journey my way towards the climax of the plot, I proudly proclaim that life with purpose is the most beautiful fairy tale written by God’s fingers.


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